"We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard."
John F. Kennedy made this statement during a speech in which he was discussing our endeavors to pursue a greater understanding of space and claiming a position of authority in the international scientific community.
It popped into my head the other day while listening to a song, mainly because it was directly referenced within the lyrics, and it has been picking at my brain ever since. I found the quote to be so encouraging that I have been rolling it around in my mind trying to find a way to hand it back to everyone in an encouraging manner that honors the spirit of the quote while also being therapeutic.
I believe I found that when the new year came around. Resolutions and the opportunity for change and to do a new thing offered the connection I was hoping to make. We make personal goals to change for the better believing that it is what we want, but without a guarantee that it will be easy or pleasant.
This is a strength of ours. The understanding is simple, but the follow-through is difficult, but we set up resolutions to make changes because we believe that it is worth it.
So with that, I thought I would use the backing of that quote to form some generic quotes for the new year. You can grab one if you’d like, or please do as I am doing and make one for yourself. I hope this year is wonderful for you all, and just as equally, hard.
I will be more dedicated and faithful to my marriage this year, not because it is easy, but because it is hard.
I will eat healthier and be more active this year, not because it is easy, but because it is hard.
I will be the best parent I can be this year, not because it is easy, but because it is hard.
I will take care of my chronic illness this year better than I ever have, not because it is easy, but because it is hard.